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In a world of algorithms hashtags and followers, know the true importance of Human Connection...

“The most important things in life are the connections you make with others” Tom Ford

When I think of connections I think of family, friends and acquaintances. The first are chosen for us. The second and third we choose for ourselves. They are all important and make an impact on our life. The one I have been considering over the past few years, and is the most important, is the connection with self.

Relationships are not only important for our mental and emotional well being but humans require connections to thrive. We learn from each of these relationships. Each is an opportunity to learn more about who we are. Take the time to enjoy each interaction. Be present and observe.

Our knowledge of self is important in order to be more authentic. Speaking your truth and listening to your inner voice pushes you to be more, and grow.

My most valued connections are with those with whom I can just BE. I am able to honour who I am and not over analyze how I am seen by the other person. Being my most authentic self is my goal and I hope that we all want to strive for this. It is freeing to know that my best self is the one I am not trying so hard to be. It reminds me of childhood, swinging freely on a swing or climbing to the top of a tree, just because. It is reassuring to know that I have always known this, and I am now able to own it. I am blessed to have friendships with those who knew the person I was when I was hanging upside down on the monkey bars. They love me for who I am. I also have new people in my life who gently remind me of who I am, and give me a nudge to spend more time connecting with myself. I cannot say how thankful I am to these wonderful people in my life.

Connections are important and necessary. In this tough time find those people you value most and give them a call and send your love. Also spend some alone time reflecting and learning who you are, truly and authentically. We may as well use this time to our personal advantage and grow within ourselves.

Stay strong and healthy. You are in our thoughts and we are here for you.

This months Recipe

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